It isn’t just the place where you toss your keys and jacket. Spruce it up a little bit so you can get a little burst of warmth when walking into that door. Foyers should be inviting and intriguing at the same time. You want to make a statement, after all, you don’t want to open the door and see a space that offers nothing but boredom.
Always use low maintenance and durable flooring as it’s a high traffic area. Create a gallery wall in your entryway. It’s a great way to add character. Keep the décor minimal and add a shock look with an oversized mirror. It adds on to the opulence of the space and makes the area look bigger and magnificent.Create a changeable display of art on top of your entry table. Add on table lamps and make the space look brighter. It always feel good to enter into a brightly lit room, adds onto the warmth of the room. This will add on a sense of drama and grandeur to the entire appearance.

If you want to make your foyer more homely add a rug upon the floor and hang a lamp from a hook over the spot. Define with an accent wallpaper which makes a dramatic statement that can be fun for a transition space. Give your foyer its own personality with molding, frame the wall, you’ll be using to draw attention to it.
Try and create an unusual pattern by painting only the bottom half of the room or paint a table in an eye-catching and sophisticated colour. You can also try and paint the inside of the door, glossy black is especially striking and impressive at the same time. The doors and floors add some elegance to the foyer. If your foyer is the only entrance into your house, storage should be a must. Make sure to add in an appealing and attractive way. You can add a few of your family photos or your vacation photos if you are a fine with entertaining guests with follow-up questions.
Either ways, make it look dramatic or subtle – in line with what the entire house has to offer.