Starting with baby steps, replace incandescent light bulbs with Compact Fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) and save up to 66% of energy that would have been used otherwise. Get accustomed to using multi-socket extension leads and turn it off when not in use, this can reduce your home’s energy consumption by up to 15%. Similarly, Television sets are typically left on standby for 17 hours per day, so unplug it and cut your bill.
A big double door refrigerator is a must have in today’s fast pacing lives; place it in a shady area because having it in sunlight will force it to work harder to keep cool. Simply peeking into the fridge costs Rs. 1500 to 3000 per year, so decide what you want before opening the door.

Go natural by separating and composting kitchen scraps that will not only reduce the amount of household waste in the landfill but also the costs associated with rubbish collection. Another simple way, is by using eco-friendly scents, instead of synthetic fragrances, opt for 100% essential oils and non-aerosol scents. And go literally green and improve the air quality in your bedroom by growing houseplants. Choose cotton based blankets, bed sheets, curtains and upholstery for naturally cool and organic temperature at home. You can also lodge energy efficient windows that keep you cool in summer and warm in winter.

Installing low-flow taps and showers in the toilets and bathrooms, respectively, and repairing the pipeline leakages if any, can save thousands of litres of water. After all, there is no one giant step that does it, it’s a lot of little steps that do.