Start with adding shelves above the doorways and store them with items that are rarely used.Banish room-darkening shadows with additional light fixtures and make the space instantly lighter. Try putting glass shelves across deep-set windows. You can also fancy a chest or an ottoman with storage inside as a coffee table and try wedging low bookcases along a sofa back: they'll double as a sofa table. Line a room with a shelf high up on the wall and use all the extra storage space for various utilities.

Placing a large bucket for magazines and newspapers next to your favourite chair will de-clutter the room and make it look tidier. If your house is full of book-lovers then lining a hallway with bookshelves will be an ideal way out of those huge piles gathered in and around the study-room. Using a wicker hamper as both an end table and storage space for blankets can be very efficient in saving and utilizing space. Getting a coffee table with a drawer for remotes is also a similar option.

Choose furniture according to its functionality. Utilize fewer, larger pieces of furniture and accessories to reduce visual clutter. Add window seats with lids and run shelves up to the ceiling. Also, take advantage of wasted space with corner bookcases. Walls are one of the rare areas of the house that don’t get much cluttered with stuff, that space can be used for storing books, clothes and even your footwear. Shoe organizers are pretty popular as they keep shoes properly stored and at one place. Think monochromatic and eliminate obstructions: the further you can see into and through a space, the larger it'll seem. Similarly, arrange furnishings to avoid blocking views of windows and doors.

Effective space management and organization also helps fast cleaning and easy home keeping. Since you have everything at its place and the most often used things are at hand you can simply sweep off the dust and pick up the crumbs and you’re ready to welcome guests. Setting priorities in home decorating and home keeping will also save not only space but a part of your budget. When you aren’t going around buying anything that slightly caught your eye, it’s easier to keep your home organized.