Aloe Vera:
This very useful plant clears formaldehyde and benzene, which can be a byproduct of chemical-based cleaners, paints and other toxins. Also, it is a widely-known fact that aloe vera can be used to achieve a great complexion and can also heal burns. Aloe plants like to be dry and warm, not wet and cold, so water only when you see that the soil in the pot is dry. The best spot to keep this plant in a sunny window. Aloe in full shade will not thrive. Also, if you have just repotted the plant, do not water it for two to three days — wait for the roots to settle.

Areca Palm:
It's known for being one of the better performers in purifying the air, especially in filtering xylene and toluene. It also works effectively as a humidifier. This leafy plant can be grown anywhere in the house in indirect sunlight. Make sure it is not exposed to direct sunlight, or the leaves will turn yellow. The plant can grow as high as 30 feet outdoors but it is restricted to about seven feet at indoor locations. Put it in a small container and the crowded roots will help in limiting the size of the plant. Water enough to keep the soil moist and let it dry a little between waterings in winter.
English Ivy:
It's known for removing the chemical benzene, a known carcinogen found in cigarette smoke, detergents, pesticides, and the off-gassing of other synthetic materials, is said to be fantastic for asthma and allergies and removes formaldehyde found in some household cleaning products. This green plant helps in reducing airborne fecal-matter particles. It needs bright light to look fresh and might attract pests if they do not receive enough light. Take special care while watering and let the soil dry for some time before watering it again, for it does not go well with standing water.

Indian Basil:
Commonly known as Tulsi, growing this plant is a no-brainer. Seen thriving even after little-to-no maintenance, this plant has a number of medicinal properties. In addition, it helps in purifying the air and improves air quality. It can be planted in a simple pot and requires regular sunlight, so the best place to keep this plant would be a sunny window. All you need to do is water it regularly, but be sure not to over-water and watch it thrive.
This plant does not require direct sunlight and can grow up to 12 feet in height, so make sure it is planted at a spot that allows enough space to grow. Also, you can control its height by pruning. New leaves will sprout below the cut in a few weeks. Keep its soil moist but not soggy. Yellow leaves in the plant are a sign of overwatering or poor drainage. You can place it near a sheer curtain or a window.

This plant will definitely bring that missing aesthetic vibe to any dull corner of your house. These orchids have unusual slipper-shaped flowers that bloom from between two leaves. It has dark green leaves which add to the beauty of the plant. Water it once a week and take special care while doing so. If your water is chemically treated, then allow it to sit for a few days in a container before using it. Place the plant in the shade where it is not exposed to direct sunlight.
Azaleas grow in bright spots and can help reduce formaldehyde levels from plywood and foam insulation. In spring, this plant produces beautiful flowers that last several weeks. They are shade tolerant, hence perfect for locations that do not get direct sunlight. The direct sun can burn the leaves. This lovely plant blossoms like a shrub and is available in many colors. While it looks beautiful when planted in a group in a large area, in a smaller space, a single plant works best. To maintain the plant’s shape, you can trim it when the blooming period has expired. Remember that bare side-table next to your sofa set? Complete the look by putting an Azalea on it.

Snake Plant:
The plant is best suited for bathrooms since it filters out formaldehyde, commonly found in personal-care products. It is one of the top air-purifying plants identified by NASA. It is one of the easiest to grow and requires no extra attention. Going out of town and have no one to take care of your plant? No worries. Forgot to water it on time? Again, no problem. This plant can be neglected for weeks and will still give you long, fresh leaves. The only thing to keep in mind is that they can easily rot, so they need to be planted in free-draining soil.